
Do you want your horoscope created or analyzed ? Are you looking for Vedic, logical interpretation for your queries ? Are going through a rough patch in your life and wish to know what lies ahead ? Do you want a remedy for your current life situation ? I can help if you have the correct place, date and time of your birth.

According to Indian Vedic Astrology, our nature and entire life is defined by the position of planets at the time, and place of our birth. The position of these planets keep changing and with these changes the dasas changes and hence life changes occur. This is the basis of Indian Astrology. I generally club Astrology with Tarot for my predictions to come upon a v powerful reading. This clubbing of Astrology with tarot is generally v helpful for those people who don’t have a correct time of birth. But on standalone basis also an Astrological chart can be very useful in giving predictions about the timing of an event and its kind and the way it would happen! Besides, remedies are best seen from looking at a chart thoroughly.

The nakshtra at the time of our births will define our entire dasa phases. The nakshtras are v important to give directions to the planets of a chart . For example, a person born under a Mool nakshtras namely Jyeshtha, Ashlesha, Revati and Ashwani, Makh,Mool could be called as having Gand mool dosha, and should be adivced to perform prayers to ward off the evil effects of these nakshtras. A chart is deemed good and powerful if one has maximum number of benefic planets in the Kendra(1, 4, 7, 10) and the malefic planets in upchay (3, 6, 11) houses. This way the benefic planets are able to make life easy and opportunities materialize easily. The malefic planets in upchay houses will ward off evil and give resistance to difficulties and diseases.

The 5th and 9th houses are laxmi goddess’s houses, and always good for any planet’s placement, as this will impart good behavior to the planets. These are also the houses to see for spirituality. Placement of Mars is also of utmost importance to see one’s married life. Mars placement in 12th , 1st , 2nd , 4th , and 7th and 8th houses will give one Mangal dosha. It becomes bad for marriage unless the other person also has the same dosha and then it gets nullified.

Any planet placed in 11th house will always give one gains. The aspects of positive planet like Jupiter is able to ward off 70% evilness of an afflicted house, and the aspect of Venus will still save 40% of that house. Mercury is best when it is placed alone, and moon is best when un afflicted and in waxing phase. Moon becomes evil if it is waning at the time of one’s birth, this person will remain sad generally in life. A chart having lots of raj yogas will confer one to achieve high position in life.

The lords of lagan, 5th and 9th houses can be used to prescribe the lucky gems one can wear to improve the power of the planets. As these lords will always give positive results. The lords of 3, 6, and 11th houses should be prayed to ward off evil effects. Any planet ‘s placement in 6th , 8th and 12th bhava is v bad for that planet and its karakas. Even a planet if placed 6th, 8th or 12th from its own bhav will spoil the bhav.

A planet placed same number of houses from its original house will be always good for its original house related results. Eg. lord of second in third house which is second to its own position will increase the finances, and lord of third in 5th which is third to its own position will give one favourable siblings and travels. The divisional charts are also very important to analyze as they are the heart of the original chart. We can precisely see the exact result of a bhav with its particular divisional chart. The transits of Saturn and Jupiter are equally important to be analyzed. If the dasas running are good and transit of Saturn is causing obstacles, then things will meet with success either through its remedies or after the favourable transit of Jupiter begins to happen.thus a good dasa and good transit are important for easy go of events.

In any chart the lagan, sun and moon should be powerful and un afflicted. This will ensure long, healthy and successful life. The Saturn should be either in 3rd, 6th or 11th bhavas. This will make one’s life difficulty and disease free. The ashtakwarg char should finally be analyzed to conclude the readings of a chart. These are numerological points given to each house and more than 28 points in each house will give good strength to that house. On studying the transits, the effect of planet in a particular house can be analysed from the numerical value of the house in ashtakwarg

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